Weeeeellllll..... I've been home for almost a year now, and it's closing up to graduation for me, so I thought that now might be a good time to up update this blog. It's not like I forgot to do it, and then postponed it when I though of it. Not at all!
Anyway. While I'm doing this, I might as well talk/write/type/whateveryouwannacallit about my year in Australia, since that was the original idea with this blog.
Uhm. What's there to say? I still can't believe I was there for a whole year (minus one day)!! I don't think I've landed back in Sweden completely, and I doubt I ever will. Some part of me is still left in Australia, and some parts of me went with all my friends all over the world. But I guess that's how it's supposed to be...
The year itself was amazing! I got to do so much, and meet so many new people and friends! I'll treasure all my memories from Australia for the rest of my life. I doubt anything can really compare to being an exchange student like this, not even if I travel the world will I get the same experiences as when being on exchange like that. It really is an amazing experience that can't be compared to anything else, and really HAS to be experienced by everyone! Even though the year had it's down moments when I felt really sad, lonely or even forgotten by some, the good things all made up for that BIG times!! When someone ask me about the year, all I can remember is all the awesome and fun things I did in Australia. It's not until I sit like this, alone by the computer in the cold basement and really try to remember everything that I really do remember that it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows the whole time. But I can honestly say that, even though I made some big mistakes that I had to face the consequences of when I came home, I don't regret ANYTHING. It was, and probably always will be, THE best year in my whole life.
I miss everyone I met there with my whole heart, even though I might not show or say it so often. I really really really miss ALL of you!!! <33
Now I'm gonna go and eat~
Tosing in the World
torsdag 17 maj 2012
måndag 16 augusti 2010
Photo Time! 8D
As I said, Firefox hate me, and I don't like Explorer. Which is why I haven't uploaded any photos.
But now!
Anyway. On with the show...
A photo I know a lot of people want to see:
My school-uniform!
As I said, Firefox hate me, and I don't like Explorer. Which is why I haven't uploaded any photos.
But now!
Anyway. On with the show...
A photo I know a lot of people want to see:
My school-uniform!
And these are some photos taken on my way home from school.
I've seen so many yellow cars that it's not even funny any more..... >>
Almost home!
Up the driveway, and then....
So, until next time~
lördag 31 juli 2010
Wow. Time really flies by. I've already been here for 2 weeks! But even though it feels like I've just gotten here, it feels like I've been away from home a lot longer than just 2 weeks...
Anyways. I've now a few more photos. Buuut Firefox seem to hate me, so I have to change to Explorer every time I want to upload photos ><'
So I'm gonna go out and take a few more photos, and then put those up tomorrow.
*goes of mumbling about stupidcomputersandstupidfirefoxandstupidphoneandstupideverythingelsethatIcanthinkofthatisstupid* (Cookie to the ones who can read that easy and loud at first try!)
Anyways. I've now a few more photos. Buuut Firefox seem to hate me, so I have to change to Explorer every time I want to upload photos ><'
So I'm gonna go out and take a few more photos, and then put those up tomorrow.
*goes of mumbling about stupidcomputersandstupidfirefoxandstupidphoneandstupideverythingelsethatIcanthinkofthatisstupid* (Cookie to the ones who can read that easy and loud at first try!)
torsdag 22 juli 2010
So. Here I am now. In Australia. In Engadine.
.... Ignore the mess. It's gone now. I promise!!
Other things that I'm not used to are that here we keep our shoes on. All the time. Except from when going to bed, or cuddling up in the sofa with a good book, or something good to watch on tv.
And the doorknobs!! They're NOT as I'm used to. You twist them to open the door, not push them down as I'm used to xD
Also we eat a light lung of toast or something like that, and then a real dinner- not milk and cereals for "dinner", as I'm used to, and then "real food" for lunch.
But I'm slowly adjusting to this life, and I think that this will be a great year!
And so far, I'm loving it here!
While I'm in Australia, I'll be living with 4 host families- all here in Engadine. And I'll be attending Engadine High, yr 11. I have started school, and the subjects I'm reading are Advanced Maths, Standard English, Biology, Chemistry, Visual Design and Ancient History.
And yes, I do have a school uniform. And yes, I'm wearing a skirt every day now. I'll soon have a photo to prove it to you.
So. Moving on.
My current host family doesn't have any children living at home, which is a huge difference to me- always having lived with my sisters. And I've noticed how quiet a house can be, when there are no other children there who either fight or play music for the neighbours (wow, I can't believe I spelled that right on my first try! 8D) to hear. But I'm not complaining (yet). It's, like I said, a big difference, and it was because I wanted difference in my life that I went on exchange. So mission accomplished! xD
But that's not the only difference I've experienced. My room here is HUGE!! Especially considering to how my room is in Sweden... Though that doesn't say much more than that I'm not living in a cupboard. I haven't got a picture of me in my school uniform, but I do have some of my new room:

While I'm in Australia, I'll be living with 4 host families- all here in Engadine. And I'll be attending Engadine High, yr 11. I have started school, and the subjects I'm reading are Advanced Maths, Standard English, Biology, Chemistry, Visual Design and Ancient History.
And yes, I do have a school uniform. And yes, I'm wearing a skirt every day now. I'll soon have a photo to prove it to you.
So. Moving on.
My current host family doesn't have any children living at home, which is a huge difference to me- always having lived with my sisters. And I've noticed how quiet a house can be, when there are no other children there who either fight or play music for the neighbours (wow, I can't believe I spelled that right on my first try! 8D) to hear. But I'm not complaining (yet). It's, like I said, a big difference, and it was because I wanted difference in my life that I went on exchange. So mission accomplished! xD
But that's not the only difference I've experienced. My room here is HUGE!! Especially considering to how my room is in Sweden... Though that doesn't say much more than that I'm not living in a cupboard. I haven't got a picture of me in my school uniform, but I do have some of my new room:

.... Ignore the mess. It's gone now. I promise!!
Other things that I'm not used to are that here we keep our shoes on. All the time. Except from when going to bed, or cuddling up in the sofa with a good book, or something good to watch on tv.
And the doorknobs!! They're NOT as I'm used to. You twist them to open the door, not push them down as I'm used to xD
Also we eat a light lung of toast or something like that, and then a real dinner- not milk and cereals for "dinner", as I'm used to, and then "real food" for lunch.
But I'm slowly adjusting to this life, and I think that this will be a great year!
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